Code, Education & Research.

Understanding, Integrity & Truth.

Market Report: UK Chemical Industry, International Trade and the Single Market

Here we report on the UK’s Chemical Industry with respect International Trade, Brexit and the European Single Market. Our aim is to help direct UK Chemical companies to potential opportunities in international trade, post Brexit. Chemical Industry Overview  The Chemical Industry is the UK’s largest exporter of manufactured goods. The industry contributes £80 Million per Read more about Market Report: UK Chemical Industry, International Trade and the Single Market[…]

S2DS: Bridging the Gap Between Outdated Education and Employability

Traditional British Education has stagnated due to political games and false prophecies of change. In reality there is little difference between the content of education in the 1990s and what’s pushed in the classroom today. The syllabuses and approach are more suited to the First Industrial Revolution than the emerging Fourth. Don’t get me wrong, Read more about S2DS: Bridging the Gap Between Outdated Education and Employability[…]

Higher Education & the Jobs Market: Edge Foundation report

The Edge Foundation is an ‘independent education charity dedicated to shaping the future of education to meet the demands of the 21st century global economy and ensure opportunity for all.’ Below is a short presentation about consolidating the foundations recent  report, ‘Our Plan for Higher Education’. It provides a brief overview of the whole report and was Read more about Higher Education & the Jobs Market: Edge Foundation report[…]

Education: When Behaviour Makes an Otherwise Equal Education Unequal Can Psychology Help?

This article was recently published in the August 2017 addition of UkEdChat, and on It is anecdote from my own experience as a school student and regards the unequal treatment between myself and a good friend of mine. In a nutshell he was a bored and misunderstood genius who was let down by ‘the Read more about Education: When Behaviour Makes an Otherwise Equal Education Unequal Can Psychology Help?[…]


I have found a love of writing poetry in recent years. My desire to write actually grew from writing rap lyrics, which entered my life as a way to vent frustrations brought about by my cultural isolation at university. University was a massive cultural shock to me, before it I didn’t know what social class Read more about Poetry[…]


Currently I am working on a digital resource bank designed to support both students and teachers. A website with all the resources that either could need. It acts to fill gaps in student and teacher support that I believe are lacking due to the constraints imposed by administrative forces that control our outdated education system. Such administrative forces Read more about StickyEd[…]